Our Grandparents Arrive in the United States

Wladyslaw Pierzchala

Much of the information here was obtained from the Ellis Island Foundation web site and doing a Passenger Search. You can order copies of relevant pages of the ship manifest (made from microfilm records) from this site.

Wladyslaw (Walter) Pierzchala, the maternal maternal great-grandfather of Alex, Bob and Carolyn, arrived in New York city on December 3, 1912 on the S.S. Kronprinzes.Cecille which sailed from the port of Bremen, Germany on November 26, 1912. You can see the microfilm scans (first and second pages - go to line #4 on both pages) of the relevant pages of the ship's logbook that list Wladyslaw's name and information. More below.

S. S. Kronprinzes.Cecille
from the Ellis Island website
This is the text version of the ship's manifest. You can see the original versions - see first and second pages - go to line #4 on both pages.

From this we see that Wladyslaw was 17 years old when he arrived in the US and single. His place of residence is listed as Walaras, Galicia. Galacia used to be the western part of Poland. Although the text manifest lists the ethnicity as Austria, the entry in the ship's log shows Polish.

His occupation is listed as farmhand. He could read and write and was single. His final destination was Chicag where he joined his brother. His brother paid for his passage. His physical characteristics: 5'4" in height with blond hair and brown eyes.